Moisture Miracle


Do you think of your skin is a sexy feature to be bared when the weather warms up? Or is it simply a protective shell, an instrument for touch, or a telling clue to your age? While your skin may be all of these things, it is also your body's most prominent organ. So how do you protect it?  Well, there is a starting point and we think it all begins with mother nature's moisture miracle plant... Aloe Vera. You may not know, but aloe vera is a succulent plant, having some 500 species.  Aloe is widely distributed, and is considered an invasive species in many world regions. An evergreen perennial, it originates from the Arabian Peninsula, but grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world.  Its long tubular serrated leaves produce a gel that is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B12.

Aloe vera has many miracle benefits: 

1. Anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain, swelling, and soreness of wounds or injuries  

2. It supports the production and release of collagen it can speed up wound healing time and limits scarring.   

3. Has shown to reduce the healing time of first-degree and second-degree burns  

4. Effective in treating fungal and bacterial infections.   

5. Has an antioxidant effect that can help repair sun damage and slow down the aging process of the skin  

6. Protects the skin from the damaging effects of radiation therapy  

7. Aloe contains 98% water, which helps moisturize, soothe, and hydrate the skin  

8. Helps to make the skin more flexible and supple, rather than stiff and leathery  

 9. Aloe gel has a cooling and soothing effect on rashes or sunburns

Getting the hang of good daily skin moisturizing can help pave the way to having great skin, and feeling good in it too! Body lotions and rich therapeutic creams, formulate with Aloe Vera are a go-to for strong, healthy skin. The human body completely sheds and regenerates new skin cells every two weeks, making our skin a very demanding organ to protect and replenish.  B.Witching can help! After a shower or bath, take time to slather up. Moisturizing will help keep your skin soft, prevent early onset of cracking sun damage, wrinkles and promote healthy skin growth and repair. Our collection of therapeutic creams are formulated with the key ingredient aloe vera gel and they are designed to provide moisture deep in the skin.

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Our refreshing Aloe & Avocado Therapeutic Cream is infused with aloe vera gel, avocado butter,  lanolin cucumber extract and vitamin E.  These thick rich creams pack a power punch to combat skin dehydration. Review our complete collection to choose one that fits your lifestyle.